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The patented TorkMag Magdapt 17 easily converts an AR15 in minutes to accept 9mm or .40S&W Glock™ magazines at half the cost of a dedicated carbine. Just use an AR milspec lower with no permanent modifications and add the appropriate caliber upper.
Grab a TorkMag 9mm upper and Magdapt magwell adapter at the same time! You won’t find a better package deal on pistol-caliber carbine conversions anywhere on the market!
TorkMag’s patented dual-spring system automatically levels out the follower to eliminate failure to feed problems. The compact spring system allows more rounds in less space. Enter a 35rd mag the size of a 30, and a 50rd mag close to a 40.
Want to understand how Torkmag magazines work? We have you covered and will dive into all of the nerdy, capacity increasing details. Learn why Torkmag mags are relied on by the most demanding users.
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The TorkMag is the only AR15 high-capacity magazine on the market that features our patented dual-spring, constant force feeding system that ensures reliable function to the last round–and it comes in 35-round and 50-round sizes. You will also find our polymer 20-round Glock™-compatible magazines that give you the edge with a larger capacity-to-size ratio than any competitor on the market. Don’t forget the Magdapt 17: a drop-in AR-15 magwell conversion kit that allows any mil-spec 5.56mm AR lower to accept Glock™ 9mm and .40S&W magazines.